Nursing Blogs

How the Mentor Me Program is Helping Nurses Become Entrepreneurs

This article is dedicated to the nurse entrepreneurs who are seeking to take their bedside skills and turn them into a healthcare business. Veronica Southerland, FNP-BC, has taught nurses like you for years and in 2020 started a Mentor Me program. This winter and spring, 18 nurses have committed to showing up for group coaching, one-on-one coaching, consistent challenging, and constant encouragement to learn every facet of business ownership from Veronica and her elite team. 

Read on to hear, in their own words, from each person participating in this program. 

Adriane Brown

I am the Founder and CEO of DeVine Testing Solutions, an independent laboratory in Tacoma, WA offering rapid COVID-19 testing to the citizens of the Seattle/Tacoma metro. I have nearly 14 years of nursing experience working in a variety of specialties: medical-surgical, case management, quality management, risk management and outpatient behavioral health. I am a proud military spouse and the mother of a two-year-old son. 

I chose to join this program to learn the ropes of business. I don’t know what I don’t know and having a coach/mentor to help guide and educate me on self-development, mindset shifts, and the basics of business is critical to my growth. It was very important to me to align myself with other successful women of color who understand the struggles we often encounter in our everyday lives and in the business community and how to overcome those challenges.

Joining a mentorship program is valuable to your nursing journey because it provides you a safe space to be vulnerable with people you can trust. You can share your fears, insecurities, and your biggest dreams without judgment from individuals who genuinely care about you and want to see you succeed. Those same individuals will also push you to be the best version of yourself, give you tough love and help you get out of your own way.

Adrienne Cox

Registered Nurse for 6 years specializing in the Operating Room. 

I joined the mentorship program because I didn’t want to make any more excuses for myself. I’m new to entrepreneurship and it’s not easy. I saw an opportunity to learn from someone who is already doing what I want to do and it just made sense for me to get connected. Most successful people will tell you to get a mentor. I think it’s how you elevate yourself in business, especially as a nurse. 

The mental transition from “bedside” to “business” takes a lot of work that you don’t really know about until you’re in the thick of it. So, having someone to help you navigate the newness is priceless. 

The mentorship with Vee is not only an investment in knowledge but in personal growth as well. I have the opportunity to be in the room with astounding, likeminded individuals; to have a sisterhood with some serious accountability and it is exactly what I needed. It’s so encouraging to see people I admire succeeding. I remind myself constantly, “Hey! You can do this too.”  This group gets me beyond to-do lists and plans. I’m actually building my dream.

Alisha Cruz

Nurse Entrepreneur and Owner of Citi Drips. I’m originally from Long Island New York and raised in south Florida. I grew up in the healthcare entrepreneurship industry. I have worked as a charge nurse for 9 years and owner of a very successful clinical research site, I naturally gravitated towards entrepreneurship and healing. My tenacity and hard work serve as encouragement for others to strive and succeed.

I joined this program because I wanted to be engulfed in a nurse entrepreneur community. Joining this program in particular was due to my genuine draw to Vee. She just is so transparent and genuine. Immediately I knew she was the real deal. I knew not only was I in great hands, but I would be given the RIGHT tools to succeed at IV Hydration for the long haul. This has never felt like a gimmick. 

We as nurses can do so much. It’s time we show up and show out! Vee’s mentorship program (at least this one) feels like a personal nursing school to develop the great leader in you. This program is an environment of nurses that have a vision and a similar drive to achieve this vision. We feed off of each other, have guidance, and are given the actual tools to get things done. 

This in turn gives us confidence in our present and future success.  Being in a group like this holds me accountable and takes away a TON of the guesswork and late night google/researching “how to open” as it relates to the IV Hydration industry.

Christella Medozile

I am Christella Medozile, a certified family nurse practitioner based in New York City.  I am a wife, mother, and an ambitious, purpose-driven entrepreneur. 

I joined this program as support in my entrepreneurship journey.  As I am fairly new into this role. It is imperative for me to seek guidance from someone who has walked this path and has become successful in the area that I want to serve.

As nurses, we were taught how to care for people in the clinical setting, which is our comfort zone.  We are used to carrying out orders and following policies and procedures of those healthcare organizations.  Transitioning from bedside to entrepreneurship can be very challenging, thus requiring specialized coaching and mentorship from an expert of your desired or current field in order to make a smooth transition and achieve success. 

Cynthia Ambroise

My name is Cynthia, and I am a Nurse Practitioner and the CEO of Fluid Hydration & Wellness: a holistic wellness & aesthetics provider based in Charlotte, NC. Following a 15-year career as a health-care IT specialist, I decided to live my dream of becoming a Nurse Practitioner before launching the practice in March 2021. As an emergency room nurse, I often wondered about the impact health and wellness education/support could have on patient recovery, and ultimately, reduce trips to the ER. Addressing health and wellness concerns prior to chronic disease development is key to optimizing health as we mature in age. I am amazed and humbled at how I have been able to help patients and clients, from all walks of life, tune in to the healthiest versions of themselves. 

When launching Fluid Hydration & Wellness, I wanted to create something that distinguished me from my competitors. As a Nurse Practitioner, I take pride in offering a holistic approach, delving into a patient’s medical history to come up with customized solutions. This means that even if an appointment is for skin tag removal, I will be inquiring about my patient’s lifestyle and assessing any chronic disease predispositions. In addition, to date, I have undergone all the procedures I specialize in myself. This first-hand experience means I also understand any queries or concerns you may have from a client point of view – and trust me, it makes all the difference! Excitingly, Fluid Hydration & Wellness will soon be moving to a larger space to accommodate the ever-growing demand. This will allow me to hire more clinicians and expand the number of services offered. I really do believe in the Fluid Hydration & Wellness brand and its philosophy, with high hopes to one day franchise it on an international scale!

The reason I have chosen to join the Mentor Me program is to enhance my business acumen and leadership skills. Vee is a seasoned entrepreneur, who has successfully set up and launched multiple businesses. Vee has experienced setbacks, overcome obstacles, and continuously finds solutions to achieve success and is never shy about sharing.  This is what led to me completing one of Vee’s IV hydration classes. After completing this class, in January of 2021, I knew entrepreneurship was for me. Upon returning to Charlotte, NC, Vee kindly invited me to visit her beautiful practice, which further invigorated me.  As a new entrepreneur, I stay prepared to receive guidance and counsel from a veteran entrepreneur who doesn’t mince words! 

Mentorship is valuable in all aspects of life and is critical in the healthcare industry. Nurses are innovative, critical thinkers and provide unique perspectives to problem resolution. However, these skills do not always transfer well as entrepreneurs. Hence, the reason for joining a group mentorship program; it is beneficial to nurses considering entrepreneurship. A group mentorship program, especially one led by an accomplished DNP prepared nurse, fosters understanding, comradery and a forum for both the professional and personal development necessary for everyone involved.

Debbie Joe Rangel

My name is Debbie Joe Rangel, RN, BSN a Nurse Entrepreneur and Consultant and mother of a beautiful, ambitious 21-year-old. I am the co-owner of Aqua Rx IV Drip Bar and Medical Spa and CEO of my own consulting brand Debbie Joe Rangel Consulting and Coaching. 

I joined the mentorship program because being new to nurse entrepreneurship, I wanted to make sure I was surrounding myself with other nurses who understand what I am going through as a nurse as I leave bedside to build a successful business. We all understand each other’s struggles and successes during this process. I wanted to get a mentor who has been where I am and understands what it’s like to be a new nurse entrepreneur. I also wanted someone who could help guide me and be a positive role model.

Being around likeminded women, who happen to be nurses transitioning into entrepreneurship roles, is a critical key to becoming successful. We are here to support each other and push each other. We also are going through a six-month process of mind transformation by understanding how important mental health is, financial stability is and how important it is to just understand ourselves and what we will bring to our businesses and our employees. Mentorship is key to running a functioning YOU and with that a functioning BUSINESS. 

Delana Newcoste Charles

My name is Delana Charles. I reside in Lafayette Louisiana. I have over twenty-two years of experience in healthcare with twelve of those years as a registered nurse. I have worked in different areas in the hospital. I started my nursing career in the emergency department. Then I worked in an oncology unit. After a few years of working in these various areas, I decided to venture into travel/contract nursing. I later accepted a staff position at a local hospital. I was the evening house supervisor and charge nurse on a post-operative unit for two years. I started travel nursing in Louisiana, California, and Texas. 

I will be opening De’ Lane of Beauty and Wellness business in a couple of months.

I am a wife, mother to one son and a fur baby.

I applied for the mentorship program because I aspire to grow in every area of my life. Professionally, I would like to gain more leadership experience to be a successful and highly skilled entrepreneur. On a personal level, I hope to tap into my innermost being to continue the transition into total mindset transformation. I desire to not only state my affirmations but to see them come to pass. On the physical aspect, I aim to be more active while recovering from a life-altering injury. I desire total life-changing health and wellbeing. I want to win! 

Veronica has impacted my life in so many ways. After attending The Watch My Flo course, I have been enlightened, inspired, and impacted. I am tapped into her brand! I have gained so much knowledge about leveraging my nurse degree.

Khadijah Fife Latham

Khadijah Fife Latham, BSN, RN, 27 years old, and a Travel Labor and Delivery Nurse

I have been on a journey assuming I knew what I wanted only to learn that I don’t even know who I am. Feeling lost, I was in search of guidance. I realized everything I’ve been doing was for others. For their approval, their acceptance. My personality was a lot for most people around me, so I’ve spent so much time dumbing myself down that my thoughts, my goals and achievements started to mimic that. 

This program will give me the opportunity to tap into all that I can be while learning who I am and walking in my purpose. I will have the support of likeminded powerful women who have similar goals and ambitions, as well as a mentor who provides the tools needed for success in each of our individual journeys. 

I was once a mentor in an empowerment organization created by my friend that catered to middle school girls. At the time, I could not understand how I would be able to support these young ladies. However, I quickly learned the value of guidance and support based on personal experience. The benefits of being able to have a support system of an individual who is either an expert or has already been through what you are currently experiencing is invaluable. It removes the loneliness, the unanswered questions, the assumptions and mistakes. Everyone’s journey looks different, but a blueprint will always be appreciated rather than not. 

In nursing school, we are created to think one way and perceive nursing highlighted in the hospital at the bedside. There is no individuality outside of specialty. There are no other options we are exposed to outside of the bedside. If we do not feel extremely connected to the bedside, then “maybe we should not be a nurse”. But there is so much to nursing outside of the bedside. Mentorship for nurse businesses is needed to create a space where there are likeminded nurses who want more or want different and have no idea where to start. 

Those who want to walk in their purpose, like me, because they want to take care of others in a different setting. 

Those who do not necessarily want to gain another degree in order to feel independent or redefine their passion. 

Mentorship has always been a priority for me since becoming a mentor myself. The growth and development that my mentees experienced is what I believe we all deserve in our community. Mentorship creates relationships that are infinite. I’m grateful for the bonds, the exposure and the support I have been blessed to experience on this journey. 

Kierra Ward

I am a Registered Nurse from Atlanta, Ga. I graduated from Florida A&M University and Valdosta State University. Currently, I am a Travel Nurse who has worked the front line of the COVID Crisis in the cardiac and telemetry units. 

I am looking forward to colliding my nursing background with my passion for Health and Wellness in jump starting my own business. Health, wellness, and education have always been a passion of mine as I’ve nursed my own health issues and helped many individuals with theirs. 

Joining the “Mentor Me” program hosted by Vee the NP helps guide me with the resources from a successful entrepreneur. The Mentor Me program brings together a community of likeminded nurses that assist one another in our own individual journey business start-up. We have a solid foundation of community to help push us past our own limits and exceed our personal expectations.

Latesha Dennard

I am a registered nurse from the southeast coastal town of Sunbury, GA. I received my BSN degree from Armstrong Atlantic State University (now named Georgia Southern) in Savannah, GA. I am currently pursuing my master’s as a family nurse practitioner. I have been a registered nurse for 13 years and have spent the last 11 years working as a travel nurse. 

I joined Vee’s mentorship program after a great experience in her IV hydration business startup class in Atlanta. I am currently transitioning into launching my health and wellness business Soulistic Health and Wellness in the Atlanta metro area. I will offer concierge IV hydration and a vitamin shot bar along with consulting services. I highly believe in investing in myself and my business and mentorship is a great tool to help me achieve my goals. By participating in this program, I hope to develop great business acumen, expand my professional network to foster new business relationships, acquire tools to further develop my leadership skills, and transform my mindset in relation to business and personal development. 

This Mentor Me program would be a great tool for other nurse entrepreneurs as it puts you in the room with other likeminded individuals. There may be people in your current circle who do not understand your desire to pursue a different path. It is vital to have others around you who are not only on a similar journey, but who can also keep you accountable. A common thread I have noticed with many successful businessmen and businesswomen is that they attribute much of their success and elevation in their business to having a mentor. 

Entrepreneurship can be a scary journey, but with proper guidance and commitment to excellence, I know that I will succeed. 

Mirabelle Beck

I am a board-certified Family Nurse Practitioner in Upstate New York. I am a graduate of the University of Buea, Cameroon in West Africa where I received my bachelor’s degree in nursing science. I continued my education at Russell Sage in Troy, New York where I received a master’s in nursing and post-masters in family health. I am also the founder and owner of ELLE NP Family Health and Wellness Center.  At ELLE Health, we provide primary care services to individuals and families. We also provide wellness and preventive measures to help improve overall health. The mission of Elle NP Family Health and Wellness Center is to deliver high quality healthcare to patients by providing clinical expertise that is evidence based and patient centered. We strive to improve patients’ lives and treat them like a member of our own family.

Nursing is a gratifying and dynamic profession with many areas of potential growth, growth on a personal and professional level. After being a frontline nurse and practitioner for many years, I realized through my experiences and travels that venturing into entrepreneurship was necessary. Necessary because it would give me the opportunity to bring much needed change in my community. As the first African immigrant and first African American Nurse Practitioner to start an independent solo practice in my area, I faced many challenges. Challenges whose effects would have been less impactful if I had a mentor with entrepreneurship experience. If I did, I would have prepared and guided towards handling those challenges. 

With two years of business experience, I consider myself new in business and realized that I did not want to be a businesswoman. What I really want to be is an entrepreneur; an entrepreneur who bridges the gap she sees in her community. In order to be that entrepreneur who represents the change she wants in her community, I had to reach out to a mentor. Someone who would teach me. Someone who would guide me. Someone who would not judge me. A mentor who can bring about this transformation in me. A transformation which I can now take and make an impact on the changes that I want and improve my community. 

I joined this mentorship program because I needed someone who had the following: trustworthiness, experience and ready to share their experience. Someone who has walked my current walk and can guide me with information and knowledge from her own professional and entrepreneur experience; good reputation and credibility; who gives me perspective and strategic problem-solving; helps me establish my goals and objectives. Someone who can help me with the resources needed to grow. Someone who will help me maintain a professional management in my business culture, recruitment, sustainability and retention. Someone who is there during hard times, and I can reach out to. I believe this person is Vee.

In this mentorship journey, I have realized that I cannot skip any step. I must go through the process. I must build a solid foundation. I might want something or have an idea that does not sit well with my mentor and still must listen and take recommendations and put what I want by the side. I am learning that I might fail but if I listen and do what I am asked to do, then the impact will not be that big. Mentorship is essential to the nursing profession. Mentorship is the first block that needs to be laid down in nursing. Using concrete (mentors) to add the other blocks is the foundation for a solid nursing foundation. Mentors come with expertise in skills, perspective, knowledge, etc. from years of experience which will give nurses the clinical stamina needed to not only make a difference in their daily practice but to uphold the nursing profession as it competes with other professions that are standing out in this new era of improved healthcare and technology.

Novia Markes

I’m an accomplished clinical nurse leader committed to advancing the nursing profession. With nearly 19 years of experience providing exceptional clinical care, I continue seeking opportunities to strengthen and acquire new skills, knowledge, and competencies. After working in diverse clinical roles and prestigious organizations, I decided to pursue Nursing entrepreneurship and launched Be Env Wellness and Aesthetics. As the Owner and CEO, I operate a holistic health and wellness med spa practice offering high-quality services, treatments, and supplements. In this role, I get to leverage my experience being a distinguished and respected Advanced Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) and Certified Family Nurse Practitioner (FNP) with a Master’s in Nursing (MSN) through Chamberlain University. 

As an esteemed nurse leader, I’m excited to participate in the Mentor Me program to support my passion for continued growth and clinical development. This mentorship program will provide me with access to knowledgeable leaders, resources, insights, and discoveries to propel my entrepreneurial experience. As a new Nurse entrepreneur, I understand I have a lot to learn about running a successful clinical practice. Thankfully, the tools and guidance obtained from this influential program will provide me with the strategic foundation needed to build and foster a successful business. 

It is also important for the community to be aware of nursing mentorship programs, such as Mentor Me because they reinforce nurse leaders’ commitment to self-growth, development, and investment. Nursing mentorship groups provide opportunities to discuss, research, and explore new theories, innovative clinical discoveries, and clinical best practices. Thus, participation in the Mentor Me program is a critical component of my entrepreneurial journey.

Paige Munk

I’m from Fayette, MO, currently reside in Kansas City, MO. I have one son who is 6 years old. I’ve been a nurse now for almost 8 years. My dream job was always to become a NP. Since having my son my interest has changed to nurse entrepreneurship. This route will allow me to be more present in my son’s life and not miss the moments to come.

I first met Vee at her final IV hydration startup class in LA last November. I attended the mindset transformation brunch, and it was just that, transformational! She talked about how if your personal life isn’t in order, then don’t start a business. At the time my personal life was all over the place and I knew I needed to change multiple aspects of my life before becoming a successful business owner. Before the breakfast was over, she looked at me and said “Get your life in order. I give you six months!” Before I left LA that weekend, I prayed for strength to change the things within myself and let go of anything that was holding me back! I made a goal to make 2022 all about me and investing in myself. I couldn’t wait until it was time to apply for her mentorship! I knew if this was for me then I would be in. I needed someone who has hit rock bottom and worked her way back up to teach the business, helped develop leadership skills, networking, and all-around growth so that I can be a successful business owner. I’m so grateful she chose me and to be around a group of likeminded women who just want to make it to the top!

If you’re a nurse thinking about starting a business, I highly encourage you to join a mentorship program as well. It will help build the skills and life lessons needed to become successful. The power in networking with other nurses from other areas of the country is phenomenal. People know people, which one day could generate individuals to your business. Just like no one really knows what nurses go through unless you’re a nurse, being in a mentorship group allows you to be around others who know the struggles of becoming a nurse entrepreneur. A mentorship brings positive energy and individuals to help uplift you throughout the process. So, if you’re looking for a sign this is it!

Qiana Brost

I am the owner and operator of H2Glow Life, an IV Hydration and Vitamin Shot Bar in the DC/Maryland area. My knowledge of the nursing profession started early as my grandmother was a nurse and I also have two aunts who are nurses. Along my nursing journey I became a nursing assistant, working part time on an oncology unit while getting my BSN from SUNY Binghamton University. Right after graduation I worked as an LPN until I passed my NCLEX. I have over 15 years of nursing experience ranging from med-surg, case management, and nursing leadership. As of August 2021, I earned my MSN in Nurse Leadership & Administration from Frostburg University. On January 16th, 2022, I launched H2Glow Life, an IV Hydration and Vitamin Shot Bar in the DC & Maryland area where I serve my clients by helping them realize that taking a proactive approach to their health and wellness can render Glowing results!

I joined the mentorship program because I understand the value of mentorship and how integral it is for personal and professional development. I say this as someone who has had the chance to be mentored by someone, a former manager, who saw things in me that I hadn’t yet come to see in myself. It was her guidance, feedback and behavioral role modeling that helped me to develop my leadership skills and I am much more confident and self-aware because of her mentorship. That process made me a believer in the power of mentorship and how impactful and pivotal it can be. Without that opportunity I’m not sure if I would have gone back to school for my Master’s degree. It allowed me to be encouraged, increased my confidence, and trust my instincts; all characteristics needed to start a business.

The group mentorship allows for dialogue, collaboration and experiences from others that will challenge the way that I think about myself, nursing and business. With a group you can network, build and foster relationships with other likeminded nurse leaders and entrepreneurs. This helps build a community of individuals who have all poured into themselves and the program to promote growth and development. With my transition into nurse entrepreneurship, I recognized how invaluable and critical a mentor will be during this time and I know having Veronica Southerland as a mentor will make the difference between surviving in business and thriving, and I want and now know I am very much capable of thriving. 

Rakiema Sellars-Pompey

I am a mother, daughter, soldier, nurse, and the owner operator of Lotus Drip. I became a mother at the young age of 14, and many thought that would have a negative impact on my life. I understood the impacts of my decision and decided my son did not deserve to feel any negative impacts of my life choices. I never saw myself as a mother. I always envisioned myself as a successful businesswoman, but I wouldn’t change it for the world. I am not saying that I made all of the right decisions as a teen mother, but I navigated life the best way I knew how. I graduated high school at 17, worked retail and fast-food jobs, joined the Army in 2000, earned my Associates degree in 2003, graduated with my BSN in 2009 and passed my boards becoming a Registered Nurse, obtained my Emergency Nurse certification in 2013. I am now a student at the University of San Diego working on the Doctor of Nursing Practice class of 2023. To date I have spent almost 22 years serving my country and working towards advancing myself and my family mentally, physically, emotionally, and financially.  Opening this business validated my drive to create generational wealth and show myself and the world that being a teen mother does not equate to being on welfare and living in the system.  

That is why Lotus Drip means so much to me.  The Lotus flower is a symbol of purity, enlightenment, self-regeneration and rebirth. Its characteristics are a perfect analogy for the human condition: even when its roots are in the dirtiest waters, the Lotus produces the most beautiful flower. With all that being said, I am intelligent enough to know that I do not know what I don’t know. 

Being a part of this Mentorship Program will assist me in growing into the successful businesswoman that I can be. Additionally, I KNOW and BELIEVE that this program will help ME grow as a person as it will help me get out of my shell and transform into the beautiful Lotus Flower that is within me. 

Sabrina Willis

I’m from a small town of Orangeburg, SC. I obtained my BSN in Nursing from South Carolina State University and an MBA with concentration in health administration from South University. I am currently working on a second master’s in quality and patient safety from the Bloomberg School of Public Health at John Hopkins. I have one amazing two-year-old, Victoria.

I have wanted to be a nurse since I was five years old. Little did I know how many times I would need to adjust that dream. The idea of wanting to start a legal nurse consulting business has been bubbling for at least 8 years, but I always came up with a reason I couldn’t do it. Life comes at you fast and I decided I no longer had excuses. I wanted flexibility that didn’t come with someone else’s limitations. In 2021 I finally pulled the trigger and started the foundation for my business Victorious Consulting. I knew I possessed in-depth experience working across multiple units including progressive care, medical surgical, post- anesthesia, emergency, burn, wound care, stroke neuro and telehealth nursing.  My body was breaking down from all the wear and tear, but I was not ready to throw in the towel for nursing. 

As a legal nurse consultant, I use the knowledge and experience gained over the years to provide invaluable consultation and expertise to attorneys about medical issues. With a strong clinical background, I can apply the nursing process to evaluate relevant, complex information in legal cases ultimately bridging the gap between the legal process, healthcare science and patient outcomes. My bread and butter comes from medical malpractice, personal injury and regulatory compliance. 

Mentoring is the process of seeking guidance from someone who has experience and perspective which helps individuals reach their full potential by providing them with greater understanding of skills, experience and behaviors needed to be successful. I knew I had nursing knowledge, but I was clueless in the entrepreneurial world. One of my good friends and cohorts told me about the program and her proven track record. When you connect with people who want to see you win, will light fire under you, and accept no excuses you have no choice but to walk in your greatness and meet your full potential. Joining this program meant expanding my network by being surrounded by inspiring entrepreneurs all while gaining tools and knowledge to succeed. Starting this business has helped me feel like I’m not working but fulfilling a dream. I call the shots and set the rules. I encourage you to tap into your passion and creativity to create your own job security to live your best day every day.

Shaynae Smith

I’ve been in healthcare 12 years, 7 of the most recent as a nurse. I’m the owner of Vaein, a concierge IV hydration and wellness service provider and Syntropic Care Consultants, a startup chronic care management agency.

I am currently going through a metamorphosis. From bedside nurse to business owner, from dependent to transcendentalism, this phase, while beautiful, is painful & scary without personally knowing someone who has taken this journey to use as a resource. I decided to seek guidance through mentorship. I find it more efficient to ask for help even if it’s paid for rather than invest unnecessary time in trial and error to a destination that already has a map. Let us call it continued education.

Nurses getting into business should look at a mentor like a preceptor. Remember when we graduated nursing school, picked a specialty and landed our first job. We shadowed and worked with a seasoned nurse for weeks, sometimes months depending on our specialty. They gave a general overview of the unit, told you where the supplies and resources were, and showed you what works for them, time management and so on and so forth. However, they could do the work and nurse for you. 

That is the value in mentorship. 

I find group mentorship even more valuable than one-on-one mentorship for complete beginners because now not only are you getting guidance, but you are also networking and growing a support system with likeminded peers even if the path isn’t the same. They understand the scattered thoughts, the sleepless nights, and turmoil that comes with bringing the realization of big dreams to life. We like to think of our family and friends as our support system but unfortunately on this journey I don’t think it’s fair to put that burden on individuals who don’t understand or better yet feel threatened by this process.

Sherry Williams

I’m a registered nurse and nurse educator at Navarro College Waxahachie, both based in the Dallas, Texas area. I’ve also recently started my own nurses in business consulting service. 

I specialize in hyperemesis treatment as well as overall preventative wellness. I’ve been a labor & delivery nurse for twenty years and now I travel the state placing IVs into women experiencing high risk pregnancies. I’m also living with lupus. Once I discovered the benefits of IV Hydration therapy and how specific drips support patients in their desire to simply be healthy, I knew I wanted to invest in opening my own wellness space.

With my business, Nurse WOW Health & Wellness Services I offer a wide array of holistic treatment programs while offering specialties in weight loss management and hyperemesis gravidarum treatment.

With weight loss management, I actually use my own experience from lessening the impact of an autoimmune disease and my almost decade long research into weight loss to create programs that work for each person. 

With my hyperemesis treatment, I use my two decades of experience in labor and delivery nursing for high-risk patients to create real solutions for women experiencing extensive and persistent nausea.

My goal is to educate you about health and then provide the resources you need to live your healthiest life.

I joined this Mentor Me group because Vee does more than just explain to you how to start up a IV hydration business. She walks with you and assists you when needed while holding you accountable for your own success. So, within the mentorship program she is educating on how to manage yourself and your life as an entrepreneur and manage to obtain the life you want.  

The amount of trust I have in her is unlike any other person I have ever met in business or in my 20 years of being a nurse.  I feel as if I have known her for most of my life or that I have been awaiting this mentorship my entire nursing career.

About the Mentor Me Creator, Veronica Southerland.

A tenured healthcare entrepreneur, Veronica Smith Southerland, also known as Vee The NP, has dedicated her career to raising up the next generation of healthcare entrepreneurs.

Veronica creates space and opportunities for minorities in healthcare. It’s with the vision, she can serve both the healthcare provider and patient. Veronica opens minds to the seemingly impossible and teaches how to make the opportunity you want possible, profitable, and powerful.

Healthcare goes beyond the States and into the global world for Veronica. Through her relationships throughout the world, her work has impacted millions. Yet, her personal passion has always been for nurses.

She is driven by a desire to create opportunities through enlightenment, education, and empowerment. Her passion and drive mixed with Veronica’s swagger and knowledge enable her to be a healthcare entrepreneur star.

It’s this star power that has led Veronica to be a CEO, speaker, mentor, and author ready and available to impact the next generation of millionaire nurses.

Veronica hosts Business Incubators, One-On-One coaching sessions, and In-Person classes throughout the year. To stay informed as to how you can join one of her upcoming opportunities follow her on Instagram at @veethenp or email her PR representative at for further inquiries. 

Steven Briggs

Steven Briggs is a healthcare writer for Scrubs Magazine, hailing from Brooklyn, NY. With both of his parents working in the healthcare industry, Steven writes about the various issues and concerns facing the industry today.

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On October 4, 2024, Christopher Ciccone, a multitalented artist and younger brother to pop icon…

2 weeks ago