
What happens when you start taking testosterone therapy?


What happens when you start taking testosterone therapy?

Different Hormone replacement therapies are emerging in the healthcare sector to fight against the symptoms of aging.

From physical changes to emotional and mental distress, imbalanced hormones that result from aging can affect both men and women in several ways. Among the many other replacement therapies, testosterone therapy is a commonly recognized one.

Testosterone replacement therapy is considered a solution to the low testosterone levels produced in the body due to aging or medical conditions.

People going through this treatment have observed various changes, including benefits and risks associated. This article covers the changes that you may detect once you start taking testosterone therapy.

How does testosterone therapy work?

Testosterone replacement therapy, commonly known as testosterone therapy, is an emerging antidote against the low testosterone degrees occurring as a result of aging. Men above 30 years of age tend to feel fatigued and depressed as each year passes by.

This is because a 1% of decrease is observed in testosterone levels each year which accumulates to lower levels with each passing year.

Replacement therapy works by restoring the low hormone produced naturally in the human body through external measures such as patches, intramuscular injections, gels, creams, and so on.

Symptomatic hypogonadism that leads to decreased muscle mass, erectile dysfunction, gained adiposity, and more can lower the quality of life in men suffering from it.

As a measure, TRT (Testosterone replacement therapy) regulates the balance by rejuvenating the body with hormone levels. This improves the living quality and other physical, emotional, and mental states of individuals suffering from lower testosterone levels.

Although the studies have yet to explore the extreme health risks and other benefits, experts advise avoiding overdoses of injections and medications associated with this therapy.

Changes that take place when you start taking testosterone therapy

The male hormone levels in each individual might be different, and hence the changes may vary in different people. Factors that might contribute to changes occurring during the TRT include genetics, health conditions, age, and so on.

During and post-therapy, the expert will monitor the production of red blood cells, PSA, and more to evaluate the changes and side effects that might occur in the body. Some of the differences you will notice once you start receiving the therapy are mentioned below.

  • Changes in skin

Similar to the adolescence period, this therapy causes changes in the skin condition leading to acne, sweating, odor, etc. Individuals will likely observe the oiliness and thickness of the skin with enlargement in pores.

However, acne outbreaks can differ depending upon the genetics. As testosterone increases in the body, the skin produces more oil, which might benefit the patient in getting a nicer complexion.

On the other hand, the enlarged pores will cause more sweating and odor, which can be treated by consulting with the concerned physician.

  • Increase in energy 

A testosterone level of 300 ng/dl or low can cause exhaustion, low energy, and irritation. As testosterone is replenished through the replacement therapy, the androgen receptors begin activating in the brain.

This leads to an increase in energy levels and stamina. Typically, the production of red blood cells will also enhance energy levels that can be seen between 3weeks – 12 months of receiving the therapy.

  • Improvement in muscle mass 

Muscle capacity is severely affected in individuals concerned with low testosterone. With Testosterone therapy, individuals have observed improvement in muscle mass and capacity.

The fat accumulated due to aging may redistribute in the body, giving angular facial structure and defined muscles.

People exercising may find it easier to gain muscle mass and strength. Depending upon the diet and genetics, patients will either gain little weight or lose weight. Moreover, bone density will improve within 3-6 weeks of therapy, adding to the stimulation of muscle mass and stamina.

  • Enhanced sexual drive 

One of the biggest advantages of receiving testosterone therapy is improving sexual drive by activating androgen receptors in the brain.

Unfortunately, low levels of testosterone make it difficult to activate these receptors resulting in low sexual desires and depressed moods in aged men.

These receptors are activated through testosterone replacement therapy, leading to enhancement in sexual desires and libido. Additionally, this therapy may also benefit people suffering from erectile dysfunction caused by lower testosterone levels.

  • Elevated mood 

Stress, lower confidence, and a sad or depressed mood are among many symptoms of hypogonadism. In addition, aged men observe brain fog that causes a lowering of concentration, incapability to focus, memory retention, and more.

Testosterone therapy affects emotional and mental conditions by improving mood, thereby reducing depression and stress while enhancing confidence.

Moreover, balanced hormones make it easier to concentrate and remember things. Emotional changes can also mean that the individuals find new interests, experience new feelings, and have behavioral transitions.

  • Swollen legs 

Another common change that occurs is swelling of the feet and ankles, especially in individuals who opt for treatments like injections in testosterone therapy. This happens as a result of fluid build-up in ankles, feet, or legs.

Although the swelling reduces after a few days, it is important to note down if excess pain occurs in the swollen areas. Painting might be due to a blood clot caused by injections and thus should be immediately treated with the help of an expert medical practitioner.

  • Other changes  

Individuals can observe many other changes within weeks or months upon receiving this therapy. Other changes include shrinking of testicles, lowering of sperm production, quick growth and thickness of body and facial hair, thinning of hair on the scalp, etc.

In addition, as vocal cords thicken due to testosterone levels, a change in voice might also be detected in individuals. Moreover, some people might observe enlargement of breasts, insulin sensitivity, and more as a result of testosterone replacement therapy.


Although the above-stated changes occur while receiving testosterone therapy, hidden side effects may vary from person to person.

Therefore, it is advisable to consult an expert physician before opting for any kind of treatment, medications, or remedies as part of testosterone replacement therapy. Since the overall benefits are yet to be evaluated, it is better to take precautions and thoroughly research this subject.


An Interview with Medical Resident Ammr Al-Houssan

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