
Top 7 mistakes to avoid in your nursing career


slipping-on-banana-peelWhen you first become a nurse, it’s easy to believe that you’ll always love your job. But there will come a time where burnout, frustration and boredom take their toll. While you can’t avoid every pitfall, there are some mistakes that you can veer around.
Make the most of your career as a nurse by avoiding these seven mistakes.

1. Rushing Into Becoming a Nurse

If you’re thinking of becoming a nurse, take the time to talk to seasoned veterans and get the inside scoop. Visit nursing schools to learn about prerequisites. Volunteer at a hospital or clinic to see if you really have a passion for medicine. Nursing is one of the most rewarding jobs out there, but it’s best to be prepared before you dive in.

Sure, some of us are really impulsive and can pull off a career switch or educational 180 with ease. Most of us, though, need a little more preparation. Deciding on a career path is a big decision – whether you’re 17 or 47 – but it’s particularly important to think through your choice to become a nurse because there is so much involved. Prereqs. Nursing school. NCLEX. New grad programs. A lot goes into becoming a nurse –which is why not everyone can be one!

Continue to mistake #2

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